Wallace Tree Encoder (Verilog Code)
Now a days in Analog to Digital conversion using, an analog to digital converter (ADC), converts any analog signal into quantifiable data, which makes it easier to process and store, as well as more accurate and reliable by minimizing errors. Wallace tree encoder plays a crucial role and it based on converting thermometer code into binary code in ADC.
Here I7 to I1 are Thermometer Code as Input. B0 to B2 are Binary Output. FA is Full Adder Block.
using hierarchy. So we will follow Bottom to Up Approach.
I) Half Adder
II) Full Adder using Half Adder
III) Wallace Tree Encoder(3-Bit) using Full Adder
using hierarchy. So we will follow Bottom to Up Approach.
I) Half Adder
II) Full Adder using Half Adder
III) Wallace Tree Encoder(3-Bit) using Full Adder
Now, Implementation of Verilog code for the Wallace Tree Encoder.
Verilog Code
//Verilog Code for Wallace Tree Encoder(3-bit)
module HA(s,c,a,b); // Half Adder Module
input a,b;
output s,c;
assign s = a^b; // It is XOR of a and b for SUM
assign c = a&b; // It is AND of a and b for CARRY
module FA(s,carry,a,b,c); // Full Adder Module
input a,b,c;
output s,carry;
wire p,q,r; // Wire Defined for connection between the blocks of Half Adder
HA H1(p,q,a,b); //for applying the value a,b as input and taking the value of p,q as output
HA H2(s,r,p,c);
module WallaceTE_3bit(I,B); //3-bit Wallace Tree Encoder
input [7:1]I; //Vector of Thermometer code 7 input
output [2:0]B; //vector of Binary code 3 Output
wire p,q,r,s; //Wire Defined for connection between the blocks of Full Adder
FA F1(p,q,I[5],I[4],I[6]);//for applying the value i5,i4,i6 as input and taking the value of p,q as output.
FA F2(B[0],t, p,r,I[7]);
FA F3(r,s,I[2],I[1],I[3]);
FA F4(B[1],B[2],q,s,t);
//Testbench for Wallace Tree Encoder(3-bit)
module WallaceTE_3bit_tb();
reg [7:1]I;
wire [2:0]B;
WallaceTE_3bit insta(I,B); //instantiation with verilog code
initial begin //initilization of input
initial begin //defining all combination of input(Thermometer code)
I[7]=0; I[6]=0; I[5]=0; I[4]=0; I[3]=0; I[2]=0; I[1]=1; #5;
I[7]=0; I[6]=0; I[5]=0; I[4]=0; I[3]=0; I[2]=1; I[1]=1; #5;
I[7]=0; I[6]=0; I[5]=0; I[4]=0; I[3]=1; I[2]=1; I[1]=1; #5;
I[7]=0; I[6]=0; I[5]=0; I[4]=1; I[3]=1; I[2]=1; I[1]=1; #5;
I[7]=0; I[6]=0; I[5]=1; I[4]=1; I[3]=1; I[2]=1; I[1]=1; #5;
I[7]=0; I[6]=1; I[5]=1; I[4]=1; I[3]=1; I[2]=1; I[1]=1; #5;
I[7]=1; I[6]=1; I[5]=1; I[4]=1; I[3]=1; I[2]=1; I[1]=1; #5;
initial begin //for printing Output
$monitor("I7=%b,I6=%b, I5=%b, I4=%b, I3=%b, I2=%b, I1=%b, B2=%b, B1=%b, B0=%b", I[7],I[6],I[5],I[4],I[3],I[2],I[1],B[2],B[1],B[0]);
#70; $finish;
Output of Code